Fuck boy lessons of 2016 | Boy Bye

2016 has definitely had a lot more blessings than lessons. It's been a good year, but it's always fun to share our fuck boy moments isn't it?!

Lessons . . .
I honestly have the WORST luck when it comes to guys, e.g. you can see my relationship post here and dating post here.

Current Wants #Fashion


The playsuit looks reaaally nice with over the knee boots - I saw an image of Megan Mckenna in it and then found it on a boutique's website! The Gucci belt I'm not looking to get just yet, but the Juicy Couture tracksuit is something I've always wanted and I think I've gone on about it so much I may be getting it for Christmas from my parents haha wahoo!

Is there anything you want at the moment?

S x
P.s - if you like my blog don't forget to follow me! :)


Simple Things that Make Me Happy

Hey guys!

Okay so I've just recently got back into blogging and wanted to do a positive post - just over a year ago I wasn't in the best place, but now i'm the complete opposite and couldn't be happier, its crazy. I think it's a a nice way for other bloggers to get to know me slightly too!

1. Wearing no make up

Omg I used to hate myself without make-up, I would even put it on if I was at home all day (crazy I know). I'm so comfortable now that I sometimes go out without any (maybe a cheeky bit of MAC Snob lipstick and under eye concealer - being 23 & in full time work does that to you, ha).

2. Blogging

Cliche?! I've had my blog a year - I stopped for ages when I started full time work but now i'm used to it i'm blogging again and it does make you more positive and motivated in life, especially seeing other bloggers posts and comments to you.

3. Confidence

I really use to let what people said to me or about me affect me, but not anymore - people are going to judge and say things whether your doing good or bad, as long as you know your doing good that's all that matters.

4. Dating

I don't get scared to go on dates anymore - wahoo! I mean I still used to go, but I would get so nervous before hand .. now I get excited.

What makes you happy?

P.s - if you like my blog, don't forget to follow me :)
S x  

Girls & Hate

So recently a few things have happened that made me feel quite down and upset, and its something I feel quite strong about and I know many girls will relate to - so I decided to blog it and would love to also hear your stories.
Something that's been an issue and I'm sure others, my whole life is other girls being mean and hating for no reason other than the fact their either jealous or threatened - lets face it we all know this is the reason other girls act like this. You would think it stops at school but no matter what age you are, these things don't stop.

As girls I think we get enough from guys treating us bad, talking about women disrespectfully, we should all be sticking together not hating on one another for nothing.

I've always put on a front with things and act like I don't care what anyone says, but I'm only human, it does get to me sometimes.

I'm very petite and small, & people tend to always compliment this, but because of my frame, body, etc, (I'm not being big headed), girls will be unnessarily horrible to me or say things to try put me down.
Girls also love to tell me is to eat more. I find it really offensive and rude - you wouldn't say it to a larger person, so why is it okay to say it to a smaller person?

I'm healthy, I go gym sometimes, and i'm naturally small. It's sad that I even need to justify it. I'm confident within myself and if someone is happy with themselves why try and put them down..
Moral to the story ....

People are going to judge you no matter what, and say things whether your doing good or bad  .. but if you love yourself you will always rise above it.

Have you had any bad experiences with girls?

S x

Dressy VS Casual

I chose these two outfits as they describe my personality a bit - most of the time you will always see me in trainers and big earrings ha but I love dressing up in boots and heels too. I included a tracksuit set as they are becoming more fashionable to wear e.g. camo, velvet, and I love the cropped style. Over the knee boots are also are a fave - wear with a jumper/dress or mini skirt, so simple! 

Jumper keyhole dress: New Look
Over the knee boots: ASOS Truffle Collection
Bag: Louis Vuitton
Sunglasses: Prada

Camo tracksuit set: Pretty Little Thing
Trainers: Huaraches, JD
Sunglasses: Prada

Whats your favourite casual or dressy look?
P.s - Check out more autumn inspired outfits on my friend's blog: Laura thinks about


OOTN: Fashion | Trends

I thought I would share what I wore out last weekend as I love the outfit.

Its a size 4 from Oh Polly and you can find it HERE. I’m 5ft 1 and it runs true to size. The material is satin which is in fashion right now, it feels so nice I could touch it all day ha and it was only £28.

I wore it with a diamante choker from river island – it was £14 (it's not on the website for me to hyperlink, I bought it recently in-store though. It is quite thick but still looks amazing on.

The gold lace up heels are from Missguided and were around £35. They are bearable comfy ha I wear gel insoles inside which make it less painful but their defo heels I would always look to wear out.

I wore a stick on backless bra from pink boutique, see HERE - highly recommended especially if you have hardly any boob like me ha I never wear strapless bra’s cause they just fall down but this is sooo comfy you can’t even feel it on and the sticking is perfect. It was only £10 and you can re-use it.

My makeup is Armani luminous silk foundation (see my review on this HERE), and I wore red cherry 043 lashes which you can buy HERE.

What’s your favourite online shop?
S x

How to be Rich

Okay so I know i'm not rich - yet.

But I wanted to write this post because I believe your mind-set is everything. People think things are impossible and talk about the insanity of "dreaming too big" - let me say it's better to aim high, then settle for less because you don't think you can do it.
One of my ex boyfriends used to say to me i'm crazy, "I set my standards too high and think too much of myself", (you can read about this bad relationship in my "what goes on behind closed doors post" HERE). People will always judge and call you crazy, but your doing it for yourself - not them. 
This was when I finished University. I  was working at Thorpe Park, struggling to get a graduate job. Not only did I hate the job, but people there were horrible to me, and I would get upset everyday. But it didn't stop me - I was money motivated and had friends that see why I shouldn't give up, when I wanted too.

My aim in the summer of 2015 was to have:
- A job in marketing
- A new car
- A decent salary

A year later I achieved it. I wouldn't say i'm on the pay I'd like to be on right now, but it's decent for my age especially when so many other graduates haven't found their career job yet - it's hard.

I was a graduate, on a marketing internship, on an undergraduate salary. My internship was meant to be for 6 months. I made a portfolio of work to show why they should keep me. They said they didn't have any roles. A higher role came up and I asked to be put forward. They said I wasn't experienced enough. 2 weeks before my contract ended, they said they wanted to keep me - one of the reasons was because they saw my passion.

Of course I had to ask for a changed job title and a salary to reflect this ;) ....  if you don't ask, you don't get.

None of this would of happened if I didn't go after what I set my mind to. And with that, I bought myself a new car (a white Audi A1, wahoo!).

I know i'm not rich yet, but.....

1. Know yourself where you want to be - set your goals, aim high and vision it - you can do it if you tell yourself you are and will achieve it.

2. Have friends that are just as motivated as you - a shared vision helps encourage you to achieve it, you become like the people you hang around with.

3. Make sure your in a job you like - we all want to be rich, but if you don't enjoy what you do, you won't be motivated to be the best you can be.

4. Don't focus only on spending, save! Even if it's £50 a month, you can open accounts you can't touch for say a year and also gain interest from it.

5. Save first, invest later. Don't put all your money in investments at a young age.

6. Making money doesn't happen overnight - I need to keep telling myself this. I feel like I'm in such a rush to get to the point where i'm balling, but you need to get/do better to get to that - experience and improving your skills is important.

What are your views on making money for the future? Do you have any tips?


Positivity | FOCUS ON YOURSELF, Stop Comparing

Recently I've been thinking about the way society is these days, it’s easy to think negatively about yourself or life. Social media definitely has a big impact on things, i know i'm not the only one who compares themselves to girls pictures on instagram ha.
It's so easy to over think little things and get stressed. I’m 23 in August and always think what if I never get married or have children. It sounds ridiculous because I’m young, but I’ve always been scared of being alone and not finding “the one”. I think a good way of staying focused and happy is to see a positive outlook on every situation, and to focus on what you’re doing, not what others are doing – "your speed doesn't matter, forward is still forward".
 Here's an example of a negative situation I turned into a positive.. All my life I've had people doubt my intelligence, call me dumb, stupid, or just make fun of the way I talk for example because I have quite an innocent voice (people love to mimic what I say lol).

When I was at Primary school, my head teacher told my parents I wouldn’t get into a grammar school. When I was at Grammar school and college, everyone doubted my ability to do well in life and go to University. But I succeeded, graduated, and now work in Marketing which is what I’ve always wanted to do.
At University, the boys I lived in Halls with, as well as others, although they were “friends”, would always make comments implying I’m dumb – bearing in mind I actually did better than all of them….awks.
I don’t mean that in a big headed way either. It used to get me really down, and made me doubt my own ability, I would always think “I can’t do it”, but I’ve been lucky to succeed in everything that I’ve set my mind to, because I worked hard. Now I view the positive outlook of the situation, it made me more focused and determined to prove everyone wrong as well as do it for myself. As a person I admit I can be quite dopey, but there is a difference between being dopey and dumb, I’m not dumb and definitely wouldn’t want anyone thinking that.
Key to a positive life:
1 - Never let someone tell you, you can’t do something
You honestly can do anything you set your mind to, be an optimist: view the positive aspect – for e.g. if you don’t get a job you really wanted, everything happens for a reason, a better opportunity will come along in the future.
2 – Keep busy
Although time to yourself is important and healthy, I believe keeping busy makes you feel more productive, focused, and helps you set your mind towards making more money and achieving your goals – although I’m sure it’s different for everyone, what’s your view?
3 – Who you hang out with
I swear this is such a key factor. You begin to act like the main people you talk to and hang around with all the time. I use to be “friends” with people in the past that just made me feel negative about myself, life, everything, and did not benefit my life in any positive way. One person actually unintentionally started changing me – think wisely.
What’s your key to  a positive life?

Dating | A Blessing in Disguise

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a while since I last posted! I recently finally got a graduate job in marketing, wahoo! So I've been sooo tired trying to get used to this full time work life haha. I hope to soon be back to posting every week.

Something that's been on my mind recently when it comes to dating, is us girls usually get so worked up and over think so many things when we start talking to new guy or were seeing them or have been on a few dates etc.. Sometimes we over think so much because we are so into them, and want it to work, that we start thinking so much into it "what do I say" "how should I reply" "how does that sound", we need to remember to just be our-self.

I know it's so much harder when your actually in the situation. But this was actually something my guy friend always says to me.

For e.g, i'l be telling him about a conversation i'm having with a guy I'm speaking to, or message him saying "he said this I don't know what to say" or "how does ... sound". His reply back to me is always "stop over thinking, just be yourself. If he doesn't like you for you, think of it as a blessing".

While I may get upset that things may not work out between me and the guy, or he stops talking to me or something, I've now realised it is actually a blessing. Why are we spending so much time and effort into trying to make a guy like us a lot, and getting upset if they don't, when we want to put our all into someone who actually appreciates us for who we are, and who's intentions towards us are good.

I do think these days where has the romance gone? It's quite hard to find it these days, or even find someone who wants a relationship. I'm 22, and I find that a lot of guys who are single just don't want to settle down till their like 26 or over. People always say you meet someone when you least expect it. I really like to think this isn't true, but I find that this is the case most of the time.

On a positive note, for anyone who's currently speaking to someone, or a guy isn't treating them good, instead of thinking of the negative fact it didn't work, think of the positive outcome.. it may have not worked out with this guy because your going to meet someone else and have an even better connection with them, and you save yourself the hurt in the long run.

So I've learn't to not get so down when things don't work out with a guy. Instead, I lift myself up and think "I want someone who is going to put 100 in me like I would for him", everything happens for a reason.

Instagram | A Social Media Date Gone Wrong

Hey everyone,

So I'm sure I'm not the only one who's spoken to someone from social media they've never actually met, I mean it's not an everyday thing, but it happens sometimes! You know, they add you, follow you, and you eventually start talking.. has anyone ever had a successful experience of this?! It's nice socialising with people you've never met sure, but I hate the thought of going through that awkward moment when you have to meet for the first time, can't we skip 5 minutes into it when we've met?!

I'm going to share an experience I had, a few years ago.. when I was 18-19, and it was by far the worst date I've had haha! One that I remember so vividly..

Me and this guy had been following each other on Instagram a while, I can't say how we even found each other, you know how it is though.. when you and someone keep liking each others posts for ages but you've never actually spoken. Anyway, back in the day when I was 18-19, Oceana, Kingston used to be the place I would go to allll the time! It was the local place I would always see everyone I knew, and guess who I saw?!

Yep.. I'm at the bar and notice the guy standing next to me is kind of good looking, then I think to myself, I swear I know this guy. He said to me "Do I know you? I swear I have you on Instagram" haha so we got talking, exchanged numbers. 

He asked me to go cinema, and that's where it all went wrong.

I got ready, made myself look nice, and I'm standing in the cinema waiting for him.. 
Half hour later..he eventually turned up. We got to the till and the guy asks "Would you like one or two tickets?" He replies "one".

I don't know about you, but I always think it's a gentlemen thing for a guy to pay on a first date, especially if they ask you out and if their trying to make a good impression! Of course I came prepared and didn't expect anything, so I bought my own ticket, he bought himself a drink and didn't offer me one so I bought myself a drink aswel! Good start so far haha! 

We're in the cinema, he keeps trying to kiss me, I don't mind a cheeky little kiss but the way he was coming on I could sense his intentions from then on, so I pulled away and just distanced myself.

When the film finished, we walked outside and he asked if I was hungry, "mm I'm not that hungry" I said, thinking he would offer to go for a snack or drink, but his reply was "fuck it, lets just go Mcdonalds" - got a keeper right there! lool.

I guess he did buy me a 99p popcorn chicken *awks*. We ended up getting on well though, we were talking for like an hour just about everything, I started changing my mind about him, until I realised instead of looking at me he was looking at other girls behind me.

We left Mcdonald's (that's embarrassing to even say haha), and just went for a walk, we was walking and saw the park so we went in to just go on the swings (your never too old for swings haha). We were talking, getting on well, until these 3 girls started walking towards me. I could sense they were going to say something to me and all I kept thinking was "their gona start on me, their walking over, what do I do - I mean, i'm with a guy on a first link, this is so embarrassing". It was what I would describe as a racial attack. And it only gets worse....

They came over and started shouting things and I had no idea who these girls were, never seen them in my life! And if you see me i'm a 5ft 1, petite little thing. I was just looking at this guy like so embarrassed and the park was enclosed with a gate so it wasn't like we could easily walk off like that.

"Do you like BBQ sauce" they said to me. So you can guess what they were about to do next (this was by far the most embarrassing thing of my life it hurts to even write it out lool). So yeah, they started squirting sauce ALL over me, my face, clothes, everything. I was putting my arm out like "can you stop doing that", but they continued. I mean, I can stick up for myself for sure, I'm not a fighter though! You would think being with a guy he would at least try protect me a bit from 3 big girls, but nope, he stood their and watched -  awks. My thoughts....

So yeah as I said it was a racial attack, so after a bit they actually squirted some on him, and he started running off leaving me! "Quick, come on" he kept saying, i'm thinking wait a minute.. they started on me and you watched, they put a tiny put on you and you run off and leave me!
My tiny legs couldn't even keep up with him. Luckily, my house was 2 minutes from the park so we called it a day, finally. The next day he actually messaged about going out again *confused* my reply was "sorry i'm looking for a man, not a boy".. awks.

Has anyone ever had any bad dates? Feel free to share!

Before I speak, Should I speak? | Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone!

This will probably be quite a controversial post. I've always been the type of person that loves giving advice, and helping people in situations their in because of experiences I've been through. I'm an opinionated person and will always tell a person what I truly think in order to help them. If I just tell them what they want to hear, I don't believe that's being a good friend and will help them, and a lot of the time i'm right about what I tell people (sorry to sound big headed). This can become quite frustrating and also sad, when you give advice, but then have to sit back and watch people go through things you know is going to result in a negative effect.

But I've been thinking lately, is it always worth it?
This can come across quite harsh, but sometimes a better approach to giving your opinion or advice is to not say anything at all. Sometimes, by not saying anything, you can actually help a person more.

Let me give you an example, when it comes to guys, my friends always say i'm the best at giving advice and always come to me. But when we're in a happy place, sometimes we find it hard to see things from an outer perspective because were so blinded by how happy we are or think we are. 

Sometimes by saying your opinion to try and help someone, it can result in the opposite effect, because they don't want to believe it.

What we forget to remember, is our friends have our best interest at heart and can see things we sometimes can't see. However, I've come to realise that no matter what you say to a person to help them, they will of course do what they feel is right in the end. The positive outcome of this, is that you put the thought in their head. But people always learn through their own experiences, and sometimes have to find out the hard way - I for one am the first to hold my hands up to this, regarding my relationship post which you can view HERE. I couldn't see from an outer perspective where people were coming from.

I'd like to think of myself as an approachable person and never want someone to feel like they can't express themselves to me, because of what they don't want to hear. I've learn't that saying a positive and negative of the situation has a better outcome. People then feel happier about the situation they are in and are more likely to ask for your advice and take in what you say.

Is it better to just keep quiet sometimes? What are your opinions on this? I'd love to hear :)

2016 | That Inner Voice - "Just Do It"

Hey everyone,

Happy New Year :)

I hope you all enjoyed your night, what did you get up to? I went to a club called "Libertine" in Oxford Circus, London, which is amazing! I definitely recommend going. I wore the most amazing sparkly dress. Sequins are such a fashion statement right now and I really wanted an outfit that would stand out and this dress is just beautiful. It was from Asos, Petite True Decadence and £48 reduced to £21.50 - bargain!

So this was the only photo I managed to get NYE due to alcohol haha, it really doesn't do justice to the beauty/sparkly effect of the dress, so you can find the link to the dress HERE.

As 2016 has begun, I thought I would post a few of my goals and things about myself I want to improve. It's never too late to do something you've always wanted/thought about doing.
1. Confidence

2015 definitely taught me that I need to have more confidence in myself. I always think the worst of things or think I can't do something, when usually, I end up achieving it or doing it. Not only that, I get so nervous to go on dates! I'm not shy at all, I'm bubbly, talkative, I don't know why I get so scared because once i'm their I have a really good time (most of the time haha) so I want to not be so scared and just tell myself to do it. If it doesn't work out, I don't need to see them again, but if I don't go, I'l never know what could of happened - I need to keep telling myself that.

Positive mindset = Positive outcomes!

2. Your Circle

Remember the importance of positive, motivational people in your life. The people you talk to and hang around with in life has a major impact on your mindset and the person you act like. Surrounding yourself with friends that encourage you to do better are people worth keeping close.

3. Increase My Blog Followers

I only recently started blogging and I love it. I love how I can express anything on here and everyone is so friendly. I love talking, giving advice, and reading people's blogs - especially lifestyle posts! I feel like it's expanding my mindset, helping me to become more creative and I like the social aspect. I hope to achieve at least 100 followers within the next few months and thanks to everyone that's read my blog so far!

4. Hit the Gym!!!

I've been joined at the gym since July and been 3 times.. this is really bad of me haha. I used to be a gym addict at University and go 4 times a week. Since third year I stopped going and really found it hard to get the motivation to start it up again. I definitely want to tone up and exercise regularly to be healthy. And looking good for summer is always a main motivation!

5. Get a Graduate Job in Marketing

I graduated from University in September and as many graduates will understand, it is so hard to get a job after you graduate! One of the reasons I started blogging was because Marketing comes into it, and I really wanted to do something to give employers that extra nudge to hire me. I thought, what will I be good at and enjoy, that will also help me pursue my career. As I've continued to blog, i'm thinking of other opportunities that could arise from this. I really enjoy it and am excited for what the future holds (big goals are never too crazy!!).

What are your goals for 2016? Is there anything you want to improve about yourself?